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Electronic Transaction Vendors

Choose the solution that's right for your office

VendorTransactionsContact Information
ClaimConnect, powered by DentalXchangeBatch claim and encounters, Electronic attachments, view DMO® monthly eligibility and compensation lists, real time eligibility inquiry, claim status inquiry, ERA 



Aetna Voice Advantage telephone self-service SystemClaim status inquiry, real time eligibility inquiry1-800-451-7715
Change Healthcare
(Formerly Emdeon)
Batch claim and encounters, Electronic attachments, real time eligibility Inquiry, claim status inquiry, EFT/ERA enrollment


TriZetto Provider Solutions 
Formerly (Gateway EDI)
Batch claim and encounters, real time eligibility Inquiry, claim status inquiry, ERA 1-800-969-3666
HealthFusionBatch claim and encounters, real time eligibility Inquiry, claim status inquiry, ERA 1-858-523-2120
NEAElectronic attachments 1-800-782-5150
ZirMed (Formerly NaviCure and Waystar/ZirMed)ERA770-342-0200
PNT Data CorpBatch claim and encounters, real time eligibility Inquiry, claim status inquiry, ERA860-257-2030
Vyne Dental (formerly Tesia)Batch claim and encounters, Electronic attachments, real time eligibility inquiry, ERA 463-218-9508

*, powered by ClaimConnect by, a product of EDI Health Group Inc. and its subsidiaries

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies (Aetna). Vendors are independent contractors and not employees or agents of Aetna or participating providers of Aetna. Aetna does not endorse any electronic connectivity tools and services provided by vendors. This information is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a guarantee by Aetna of any kind.